Wireless Troubleshooting



Using Command line to determine IP configuration settings

  • Open a Command Prompt by holding the  Start Key + "R" and typing CMD
  • Click OK
  • In the command line, type the following: ipconfig -all
  • The Wireless LAN adapter should have settings similar to the following:
    • IPv4 Address: 172..X.X.X
    • Subnet Mask:
    • Default Gateway: 172.X.X.X
    • DHCP Server: 128.X.X.X
    • DNS Servers: 128.X.X.X
    • DNS Servers or
  • In the command line type: netsh wlan show profiles to show wireless network name
  • Type: netsh wlan delete profile name="Safenet Wireless" to delete profile
  • In Device Manager under network adapters right click wireless adapter, uninstall, scan, reinstall
  • Now reconnect to Safenet Wireless
  • ReCheck dns with ipconfig -all
  • If dns is wrong, search for a program that is changing dns, remove it, restart

Automatically configure IP Addresses and DNS

The following checklist will reset the network settings for a wireless interface card. In order to use the VCU network, settings will need to be set as default as our network settings will automatically be set when the device receives its IP address from the network. Manual settings such as Google Public DNS are not compatible with the VCU Network.

  • Go the Control Panel.
  • Click Network and Internet, then Network and Sharing Center, and click Change adapter settings.
  • To change the settings for a wireless connection, right-click Wireless Network Connection, and click Properties.
  • If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  • Select the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then click Properties.
  • Select radial buttons for Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.
  • Select OK.

Disable or remove antivirus

Sometimes antivirus applications can interfere with the VCU network connection. You can check this by temporarily disabling or uninstalling the software. If the customer requests alternatives, you can provide the list of free antivirus programs at https://go.vcu.edu/freeav.

To uninstall an antivirus follow the checklist here:

  • Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start button.

  • Click Control Panel.

  • Click Programs.

  • Click Programs and Features.

  • Select a program.

  • Click Uninstall.

Check for the Broadcom Driver

Certain versions of the 802.11N Broadcom cards come from the factory with versions of the driver that are not compatible with the VCU Network. In order to get these devices working, the driver will need to be replaced with one that is already available in windows. The following guide will walk you through replacing the driver: 

  • Open Device Manager by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Security, and then, under System, clicking Device Manager.‌ If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  • Under Network adapters, right click on Broadcom 802.11N and select Properties.
  • Under Driver Tab, select option to Update Driver...
  • Select Browser my computer for driver software.
  • Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.
  • Uncheck Show compatible hardware.
  • Under the Manufacturer list select the option for Broadcom.
  • Under the Network Adapter: list select the option for Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter.
  • Click Next.
  • Select Yes for Update Driver Warning dialog box.
  • Select Close when installation is complete.
  • Select Yes for restart in System Setting Change dialog box.
  • Have user connect to wireless as normal.

Reset Internet Explorer

Sometimes, browser settings can interfere with the network connection; as a result, everything under network settings will appear correct, however, pages will fail to load. This is generally a fault of either the proxy settings, or configuration settings under internet explorer. I.E. may need to be reset using the following steps:

  • Close all Internet Explorer windows that are currently open.

  • Open the desktop, and then click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar. Changing your settings will affect both Internet Explorer and Internet Explorer for the desktop.

  • Click the Tools button  and then click Internet options.

  • Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset.

  • In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, click Reset.

  • When Internet Explorer finishes applying default settings, click Close, and then click OK. You'll need to restart your PC for these changes to take effect.


Malware can hijack the computer's network settings, therefore, removal prior to further troubleshooting is a must. The IT Support Center can install and show the user how to use MalwareBytes; however, due to the average length of scan being between 30-60 minutes, it is recommended that the user complete the scan on their own time and bring the computer back when possible. Malwarebytes can be downloaded from malwarebytes.org or installed directly from an ITSC flashdrive located at our front counter locations or in the H: drive.


Remove certificates and passwords in the Keychain

When the user has changed their password, all stored information in the keychain will need to be removed. On occasion, the certificates for the wireless connection will also need to be removed. The following guide will walk you through opening the keychain and removing everything associated with VCU Wireless.

  • Disable Wireless by selecting the Wireless Icon near the clock and selecting Turn Wi-Fi Off.
  • Using Finder, navigate to the Applications folder located under the Favorites menu.
  • Open the Utilities folder.
  • Open the Keychain Access application.
  • Select any item that matches the following:
  • Right click and select Delete "******".
  • In the popup to confirm delete, select Delete.
  • If required, enter device's user name and password and click Update Settings, it may require you to enter it multiple times in a row if multiple items are selected to be deleted.

Clear a stored wireless profile

Sometimes, the wireless profile will need to be removed from the system preferences menu,The following guide is for Mac OS 10.7 and up

  • Select System Preferences... from the Apple menu.
  • Select Profiles from the System category (This will be between Internet & Wireless and the Other categories).
  • If you do not see it there, then no further action is required in this guide.
  • Click on VCU SafeNet Wireless Network to select it and then click the minus sign to remove it.
  • You should be able to rejoin VCU SafeNet Wireless at this point.

For older versions of Mac OS, please use the following guide:

  • Select System Preferences... from the Apple menu.
  • Select Network from the System category.
  • Select AirPort and then click the Advanced... button.
  • Select the 802.1X tab and then select each profile named WPA: VCU SafeNet Wireless and delete it using the minus sign.
  • You should be able to rejoin VCU SafeNet Wireless at this point.

Automatically configure IP Addresses and DNS

The following checklist will reset the network settings for a wireless interface card. In order to use the VCU network, settings will need to be set as default as out network settings will automatically be set when the device receives its IP address from the network. Manual settings such as Google Public DNS are not compatible with the VCU Network.

  1. Go to the Apple menu
  2. Click System Preferences
  3. Select Network
  4. Select Wi-Fi and then click Advanced...
  5. Select the TCP/IP tab
    1. For the Configure IPv4: dropdown menu, select the option for Using DHCP
  6. Select the DNS Tab
    1. For any items under the DNS Servers: that are not 128.127.*.* highlight them and and delete it using the minus sign
  7. Click OK

Renew DHCP

  • Select System Preferences... from the Apple menu.
  • Select Network from the System category.
  • Select AirPort and then click the Advanced... button.
  • Select the TCP/IP Tab.
  • Select the Renew DHCP Lease button.

Network Diagnostics Tool

Sometimes it is best to let network diagnostics attempt to self correct the issue. You can use it directly from Safari using this guide:

  • When Safari fails to load a web page, select the Network Diagnostics... button in the middle of the page.
  • Select the radial button forWi-Fi and click Continue.
  • Select VCU SafeNet Wireless from the Select Wi-Fi network menu and select Continue
  • Follow the remain prompts to let the computer attempt to correct the issue.

Account Status

Former Affiliates and Disabled Accounts

  1. Confirm that the eID is active through eid-tools. If an account affiliation is set to
    former* OR Login Disabled is set to TRUE in eid-tools the AD account will be
    disabled automatically.

  2. If you look a user up in eid-tools/Husky and they have a "former" status, the user will
    be unable to login using the RAMS domain as it is automatically disabled in AD. The
    only way to have their account enabled is to have their affiliation updated to a current
    status and that will have to be handled by HR (if faculty/staff/affiliate) or Records and
    Registration (if student).

  3. If a users login is disabled, and you are authorized to re-enable the account, verify
    user, re-enable account in Fischer, and have them reset the password. This should sync down
    the new password to AD (can take up to 10 minutes).

Active Directory group membership

Another option it to make sure a user is in one of the valid groups:

  • VCU-Employee
  • VCU-Student
  • VCU-HospitalUsers (This can often include VCU affiliates as well so don't assume the group naming convention is a perfect user classification - continue to use the affiliations within eidmanager\eid-tools for that)

As long as an affiliation is active and not "former" (including hospital or affiliate), they should be a member of one of these groups in AD. If for some reason they are not, their AD account may have somehow gotten disabled. If it got disabled, a ticket would need be submitted to Identity Management, so account could be re-enabled.

To verify their group membership, look up the user in Active Directory. When you enter the user properties, go to the "Member Of" tab to verify that the one of the above listed groups is listed

Additional Information

Related articles: 

How to connect to SafeNet Wireless

How to Flush and Clear Windows DNS Cache

How to Release and Renew your IP Address in Windows

Solution Properties

wifi wireless troubleshooting network
Solution ID
Last Modified Date
09/04/2024 10:59:20 AM
  • Network and Security > Wireless Network
  • VCU (Public)
  • VCU (Auth)
  • IT Professionals (Auth)
  • Technology Services (Auth)