How to connect to SafeNet Wireless

VCU SafeNet Wireless is our 802.1X WPA2-Enterprise wireless network. All traffic is encrypted using AES-based CCMP and is the recommended method for network access at VCU. All current VCU faculty, staff, and students can access this wireless network using VCU eID and password.

Check the wireless access map on the VCU Network Services page by clicking on this link to see what parts of campus have wireless coverage.


Android Devices

Android 14

  • EAP Method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2 
  • CA Certificate: Use System Certificates
  • Minimum TLS Version: TLS v1.0
  • Online Certificate Status: Do not verify
  • Domain:
  • Identity: VCU eID
  • Anonymous Identity: VCU eID
  • Password: VCU eID password

Detailed Instructions: (Connecting to VCU SafeNet - Android 14)

Android 11

  • EAP Method: PEAP
  • Identity: VCU eID
  • Password: VCU eID Password
  • Password CA Certificate: Use System Certificates Online
  • Certificate Status: Do Not Validate
  • Domain:
  • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2 Anonymous

Detailed Instructions: (Open Google Doc)

Apple iOS and iPad Devices

Minimum system requirements: iOS/iPad 15

Username: VCU eID

Password: VCU eID Password

Trusted Authentication Servers:

Note: if you need to download the certificate, please open a support ticket to Network Services.



Minimum system requirements: Windows 10

1) Click the Network icon at the bottom right portion of the taskbar. This will bring up a list of available Wi-Fi networks. Next, select VCU SafeNet Wireless and click Connect.

2) You will see the following message. Click Connect.

3) You will be prompted for a username and password. Enter your VCU eID and password, and click Connect.

4) You may see the same message from Step 2 again. Click Connect.

5) You should now be connected to VCU SafeNet wireless.


Minimum system requirements: macOS 11 Big Sur

1) Click the Network icon at the top right of the screen. This will bring up a menu. Click Other Networks if you do not immediately see VCU SafeNet Wireless in the menu.

2) Click on VCU SafeNet Wireless.


3) You will be asked for a username and password. Enter your VCU eID and password.

4) You will be prompted to accept a certificate called Click Continue. You may be asked to enter your admin credentials to accept the certificate (i.e., what you use to log in to your computer).

6) You should now be connected to VCU SafeNet wireless


Minimum system requirements: ChromeOS 56

  1. Select the time in the bottom right of the Chromebook Shelf
    ChromeOS Shelf menu

  2. Select VCU SafeNet Wireless from the list of available networks

  3. Match these settings:
    1. SSID: VCU SafeNet Wireless
    2. Security: EAP
    3. EAP method: PEAP
    4. EAP Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPv2
    5. Server CA certificate: Do not check

Configuration Settings for a network on ChomeOS 1

  1. If your device has the option to specify a Domain, enter

  2. Enter your eID in the Identity field and your eID Password in the Password field

Configuration Settings for a network on ChromeOS

  1. Leave Anonymous Identity blank and click Connect.
Additional Information

Wireless Troubleshooting

How to Flush and Clear Windows DNS Cache

How to Release and Renew your IP Address in Windows