| Error: System was unable to send a PIN, due to an invalid phone number and email address |
Symptoms | When trying to find your eID, you get the error: System was unable to send a PIN, due to an invalid phone number and email address |
Environment | - Account Management Portal
- eID Finder
- Reset Forgotten Password
Solution | You will have to visit https://myeid.vcu.edu/ and click on "Claim my eID." For a step by step guide, refer to the how to claim an eID page. - Alternatively, you can visit https://go.vcu.edu/eidclaim, and this will take you directly to the "Claim my eID" portal.
- If you receive a message stating that the account has already been claimed, please contact the IT Support Center at 804-828-2227 and a technician will be able to assist you.
Cause | This error message occurs when you are using the "Find my eID" or the "Reset forgotten password" option before the eID account has been claimed. |