| Environment | Fischer, myeid.vcu.edu |
Solution | Note: - Employees can't claim their eID until their HR new hire paperwork has been completed in Banner
- Prospective students can't claim their eID until Admissions accepts their application in Banner
- Go to https://myeid.vcu.edu and click on the Claim my eID button
 - On the following page, enter 2 of 3 pieces of information to proceed (you are on the correct page if you see Identity Claim in the left corner)
 - The date of birth must be entered with slashes
- The V# must include a capital V at the beginning
- The VCUCard # must be the full 16 digit card number on the front of the card with no spaces
- Click accept for the Acceptable Use TOS
- DUO 2Factor:
- If you already have DUO 2Factor set up: validate your credentials
- If you do not have DUO 2Factor, follow the instructions to enroll and activate your profile
- You will now be given your eID; click Next to continue
- Enter a non-VCU email (required) and a personal mobile (optional). These are used for password recovery only
- The personal email must not be an @vcu.edu email address, however, an @vcuheath.org account is acceptable (but not preferred)
- The phone number should be entered as only digits with no hyphens
- If using a gmail.com persona email, make sure that gmail is all lowercase. A capital G in gmail will cause the system to throw an error
- Reset your password, taking care to follow the guidelines
 - Once you have completed the eID claim process, you will be shown your information in the Account Management Portal Profile. You do not have to take any further actions