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How to use the DMS as a Data Handling Guide



DMS: How to use the DMS as a Data Handling Guide





The DMS can be used as a handling guide to determine which services are available the variety of data types. The guide can be useful in the preplanning stages before creating a project.


1. Once logged into DMS, you have the option to choose to view the CatalogGuide, or create a Project (Create a data security plan). To use the DMS system as an interactive guide, you can simply click on the Guide button. 


2. Once the guide screen loads, you can examine and choose the types of information you are hoping to work with to see the details of these information elements. Once you are done with the selection, you can then click on Submit to see what data handling options are available.



3. Once you have selected the information you hope to work with and clicked on Submit, you will then be presented with a list of tools and services that can potentially be used to handle the combination of information you have selected. This screen provides you with information on tools and services as well as the whether they can be used for the data you work with. Several navigation options are available here:

  • Service Category Type - This drop-down window allows you to switch between the types of tools and services; such as those used for data storage, data transmission, and data collection, among others.

  • Hide prohibited services - This checkbox allows you to hide or unhide any services and tools that are unsuitable for the information you work with. By default, this checkbox is checked.

  • The Tool/Service selection button - The tool/service selection button allows you to check the details of specific tools and services, understand what they do, as well as contact and enrollment information for the tool/service. Further, there are icons next to each of the tools/services and generally, these icons show the permissibility of the use of these tools/services in relation to the information types you have selected. There are generally three icons.

    • green thumbs up icon next to the tool/service typically means it is OK to use the tool/service to handle the information you work with. (Please note that while a tool/service may have the necessary controls to handle certain sensitive data, many times these tools/services must also be used properly in order to satisfy security and compliance requirements)

    • A yellow caution sign typically means that the use of the selected tool/service will require some additional review and approval. 

    • red circle with a line drawn through it means the tool/service cannot be used with the combination of information types you have selected.