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How to Install Desktop Client for Tableau Server



Tableau Desktop can be installed from the VCU Software Center on Windows or VCU Self Service on Mac. For non-VCU-managed-computers, manual installation is needed.


Tableau Server



  • Tableau Desktop and Prep Builder clients require a Tableau Server 'Creator' license.
  • Tableau Server licensing must be ordered through Technology Services. Please submit requests through the IT service desk system:
  • VCU-managed computer



On Windows computers, the Tableau Desktop and Prep Builder clients are available in the VCU Software Center. 

  1. In the Windows search box, type 'Software Center'.
  2. In Software Center, search for 'Tableau' under Applications.
  3. Select the preferred client and click the Install button.
  4. After installation, launch the preferred client.
  5. Upon launching, activate the client using the 'Creator' license product key.



On Apple computers, the Tableau Desktop and Prep Builder clients are available in the VCU Self Service. 

  1. In the Finder search box, type 'Self Service'.
  2. In Self Service, search for 'Tableau'.
  3. Select the preferred client and click the Install button.
  4. After installation, launch the preferred client.
  5. Upon launching, activate the client using the 'Creator' license product key.


Manual Installation

Manually installing the clients is required for computers that are not VCU managed, do not have the VCU Software Center nor VCU Self Service.

  • Contact your IT department's desktop support team for assistance.