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Error: MISSING_USER_403: Sorry, your credentials worked but we can't find your account in Navigate



When trying to log into Navigate to set up an advising appointment, you get an error message and can't log in: MISSING_USER_403: Sorry, your credentials worked but we can't find your account in Navigate. Please contact your school administrator. 




  • Accept your offer of admission 
  • If you are an inactive student, contact your advisor

Reach out to for assistance with logging in. 


If you are able to access your VCU email, but Navigate says “Uh-oh…” or “Something went wrong,” Navigate does not have your username in their system. This typically happens for one of the following reasons:

  • You have not yet accepted your offer of admission. Only current VCU students may use Navigate. If you are a new VCU student, please make sure to accept your offer of admission. Once your acceptance is processed, it can take up to two business days for you to access Navigate. Contact admissions if you have questions about your admission status.
  • You are an inactive student. Students become inactive if they have not maintained continuous enrollment, are suspended or graduate. Please contact your advisor via email to request an appointment.

If after taking these steps, you are still unable to access Navigate, email and we'll help you log in.


Once you have accepted your offer of admission/reached out to to troubleshoot, you will be able to access Navigate.