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How to claim an eID






  • Employees can't claim their eID until their HR new hire paperwork has been completed in Banner
  • Prospective students can't claim their eID until Admissions accepts their application in Banner


  1. Go to and click on the Claim my eID button
  2. On the following page, enter 2 of 3 pieces of information to proceed (you are on the correct page if you see Identity Claim in the left corner)
    1. The date of birth must be entered with slashes
    2. The V# must include a capital V at the beginning
    3. The VCUCard # must be the full 16 digit card number on the front of the card with no spaces
  3. Click accept for the Acceptable Use TOS
  4. DUO 2Factor: 
    1. If you already have DUO 2Factor set up: validate your credentials 
    2. If you do not have DUO 2Factor, follow the instructions to enroll and activate your profile 
  5. You will now be given your eID; click Next to continue
  6. Enter a non-VCU email (required) and a personal mobile (optional). These are used for password recovery only
    1. The personal email must not be an email address, however, an account is acceptable (but not preferred)
    2. The phone number should be entered as only digits with no hyphens
    3. If using a persona email, make sure that gmail is all lowercase. A capital G in gmail will cause the system to throw an error
  7. Reset your password, taking care to follow the guidelines
  8. Once you have completed the eID claim process, you will be shown your information in the Account Management Portal Profile. You do not have to take any further actions